Friday, January 18, 2008

Today I got up then I ate breakfast and checked the letterbox and then I walked into town and

Just thought I'd say that I finished my church apprenticeship today. Tomorrow might feel a little odd as I feel like I've always worked for Crossroads. It really has been a remarkable, wonderful experience and the fact that it's been very hard at times has somehow added to it, not taken away - maybe because it's taught me lots or because that God has kept me and looked after me through it all. I've loved the thinking, praying, reading, 'peopling', leading way I spend my days. I've loved not having to dress up for work and go to an office and be there from 9 to 5 and account for my time. I've loved working from home and being autonomous. Once I sorted out how rest and fun and friends and errands and chores fitted in, I've loved plunging in head-first and having it be my whole life. And I've loved working under my pastor, whose integrity, care, wisdom and insight I highly respect. And I've loved my church, which is open to wierdness and to correction, where everyone is striving to love one another more.

Next I'm heading to Sydney and Bible college.
Not to be a priestess or a nun, but to be better equipped to continue on with the sort of work I've been doing, but probably overseas. I'm not that excited about it, but it's my prayer that the knowledge won't be dry, but will be great truths about God that will broaden and humble my mind and soften my heart. And I pray that Sydney will be my second home - a vibrant, multicoloured one to complement my gentle, welcoming, Eden-like first home.

I used to be distrustful of where in Romans it says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him" (8:28). But all I've experienced during this apprenticeship has taught me to start to trust that it is true. I haven't always liked his means, but maybe that's what it took to have me keep on turning to him. He has given me perseverance, the ability to bear up, strength, comfort, blessings and a growing understanding and appreciation of how I am loved and free and with hope. There are things better and richer and holier than the things I can touch. And so, I'm glad to keep on humbly serving him. Amen and amen.


Jonny said...

I got your letter, your a real friend. Thanks Fiona.

fional said...

Dear Hillary,

Yeah, I am a committed Christian.

A friend of mine knows a fair bit about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints so I've had him explain to me what you guys believe.

I'm going to say no to your invitation because I care more about the truth than about feeling good.

Fortunately though, the truth is that Jesus died for me because he loves me - so in my experience any Christian church that relies on this has a wonderful spirit.

I wish you the very best,