Monday, February 16, 2009

Money and Stuff: Introduction

I’ve been having big struggles with money and with my attitude towards money for the past year. The situation and my decision making is all a bit complicated, so I won’t go into it. Suffice to say that, whether for noble or foolish reasons, I haven’t had quite enough money to live on - to live in (middle class) Australian culture that is. If I lived the way I do in most places in the world, I’d be considered very rich.

I’m sorry to say that, while I have some understanding of what a godly response to this situation should be, I've not reacted that way. My reaction has been one of regular moments of awful fear and stress and acute bitterness, envy, covetousness and discontentment. But I thank God that he hasn’t just left me to wallow in ugliness, but has enabled me to keep desiring to be better and to keep fighting.

One thing that has really helped me has been to look at what God has to say in some depth, thanks to the book Neither Poverty Nor Riches: A Biblical Theology of Possessions by Craig L. Blomberg (
Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 1999). I have learned four main things – money isn’t everything; be content with enough; be generous with your surplus and don’t be greedy. I’m going to spend one post addressing each.

I'd also really appreciate your prayers as I keep on battling with this stuff. When something is taken from you, you learn the true measure of your attachment to it. I think greed is a big problem for Christians in rich countries, but we don't always realise it. So please let me know if I can pray for you too.


Radagast said...

A great set of posts! Praying that you will attain the wisdom in this area that I think most of us in Australia lack (I know I lack it).

ambersun said...

Hi Fiona

As you know I struggle with the whole money thing - this week I plan to start a new trend by paying off my first long term debt (to Telstra) with some extra money I am getting from my electricity bill being in credit.

The temptation is very much in my mind to spend it but I know that paying off debts is important too.

I don't envy people as a general rule but, like you, I tend to be a bit grouchy about my lack of money. I shouldn't be as I have enough to meet my needs and a generous family if I am lacking in anything. Therefore I should be thankful but I never am.

Please pray for me in this area and I will pray for you too.

God Bless
