Thursday, May 14, 2009

An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar . . .

We should only use the word "Australian" when we intend to refer to everyone who lives here, including newer migrants, who have equal right to the title, and Aboriginal Australians, who have more. We have other words to indicate a person's race or country of origin - Chinese, Asian, African, Latin American (latino?) . . . and Anglo. Fellow Anglos, let's avoid implying that we are the only Australians.


Alistair Bain said...

Good one Fiona. But gee it's hard. I was at Lakemba last week in a Lebanese Restuarant which is run by serious Muslims.

I didn't feel like I was in Australia. And I didn't feel like those serving me and the other patrons were Australian.

Thanks for the reminder.

Angelika said...

That's hilarious, Fiona. .... what can I say? I am a German living in the UK, who's son lives in Sydney with his 'Malaysian' wife.

Well, maybe I should move to Australia and become Australian??
