Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sexual temptation

David Cook did a guest lecture about sexual temptation in church leadership. I took notes (which is after all the point).

Ten reasons for vulnerability:
  1. Your office is in an isolated location.
  2. You have a close relationship with people.
  3. You have access to peoples' bedrooms when they are sick. (The only other profession that has this privilege is medicine).
  4. You may be subject to stimulating conversation (eg by people telling about
    their sexual past because they mistakenly believe that you're not subject to sexual temptation).
  5. You're eager to please.
  6. You're susceptible to criticism (and so seek affection and support in its wake).
  7. You (and those around you) suffer from the myth of invulnerability.
  8. You may have weakened relationships with your family.
  9. You may have had inadequate training about sexual temptation.
  10. Your leadership status may turn you into a sex object.

His suggestions for prevention were to:
  1. Have a public office and be careful to use appropriate touch;
  2. Remember your secure standing in the Lord;
  3. Spend quality time with your family;
  4. Know yourself;
  5. Be professional (eg leave your office door open, limit conversations, don't
    give assurance of confidentiality, always be able to share things with your
  6. Take responsibility (like King David did);
  7. Be accountable to someone (end by asking each other if you've lied in the conversation).