Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I’ve found myself chickening out of saying some things lately, so I got to wondering why those things in particular . . .

I chickened out of talking about God or Satans’ active involvement in my life. I think I did this because I might be wrong, because I feel like I’m making too much of myself and because I feel I’m being an overspiritual crackpot. But I don’t think these things were actually true. I was worrying more about my image than about the truth.

I’ve also chickened out of talking about feelings of low self-worth. I did this because to be open would lower my status and would make me vulnerable to insensitive reply. But it’s more helpful to admit to not having it all together, than to keep up a false façade.

Unnecessary self-censorship can give an unbalanced, over-predictable, over-rosy view of life. We should speak of the mystery and splendour and weakness and struggle we encounter in this world.