Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Simon's Funeral

This week I went to a funeral for a man I had the honour of knowing a little. He had suffered greatly in recent years and I am so glad that we have a merciful God who did not let him suffer more than he was able, but took him home. I never expected such mercy and kindness. In the world's eyes Simon was an just ordinary man, a single guy who didn't have a job. But I've little doubt that in God's eyes he was one of the great men of our faith, and for that, his reward in heaven will be great. If I can ever learn to love God as well as Simon, to follow Christ as resolutely and to treat others as kindly and generously as he did, I will be glad.

Simon was a Christian and a Catholic. His funeral service was beautiful and many truths were spoken and praise given to God. There were a few points, however, where I felt uncomfortable because Jesus was subtlely dishonoured and his once for all sacrifice diminished. I was expecting this though, so it wasn't a big suprise. What did surprise me was the emotional effect it seemed to have on the congregation - it seemed like their lack of certainty about Simon's fate caused them to suffer some anxiety and gloom, where there might have been praising.

Thank God for taking Simon home! Thank God that Simon is with him, the Saviour he dearly loved! Rejoice at the awesomeness and wonder and joy of it all! Thank God that, though our pain will be great and we will dearly miss him, there is nothing to be sad about for Simon. He has been released from all pain into rest and joy and praising. Rejoice for he will be enjoying a great reward for his faithful, persevering, loving, humble service! Praise God for the comfort these truths, being truths, bring!