Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pov prayers

My 'prayer life' is pretty messy. It could be more regular, fervent, devout and loved. But I try not to feel too bad about it. I mean, momentary chats to God pepper my day and my prayers are said with sincerity. I'd like to get better but I figure it'll stay messy while I'm on this earth and I trust God will use and guard my feeble efforts.

For someone like you, lacking a lifetime of habit and routine in Scripture and
prayer, the best strategy is to start small. What I am saying, I guess, is that
you shouldn't take on the burden of single-handedly going against the whole
culture. Infiltrate brief prayers into the interruptions and noise.

E.H. Peterson, The Wisdom of Each Other

Peterson says not to think of praying in terms of time, but rather to think of it as a thing you do, something that's part of your daily routine.