Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's not easy being green ;-)

In case you haven't guessed, I'm a words person. Reading is as much part of my life as breakfast. Getting writing right (!?) matters so much to me. My love language is 'words of affirmation'. And I'm a wannabe poet so I care a lot about precision and 'trueness'.

All this means that when someone asks me a question I take careful note of exactly what they have asked me. I don't answer the spirit or the general category of question - I answer that particular question. And I answer it precisely and with all the truth and openess I can. . . . I think my replies often come across as unusually bold or a little off-topic . . .

And when someone asks me about something too vast or weighty for me to properly comprehend, I don't know how to give an answer, because I am unable to pin it down with words. So I can come across as inept or lacking in knowledge when really all that's happening is that I'm having a problem with words.

I don't know why I'm telling you this. I'm not really feeling sorry for myself - it's more that I thought it was interesting and I haven't blogged for a while. Oh and I do feel a little bit sorry for myself ;-).