Thursday, April 22, 2010

Settling in

Frank the Missionary can't help but be wise. His is the sort of wisdom that confounds the wise. Here's his advice about settling into a new culture:

  • Work out the local sense of humour. If you can get understand that, you've understood the culture - and you can be winsome and really start to enjoy the local peoples' company.

  • Be vulnerable.

  • Do routine fun, escapist things. For some inexplicable reason, the example Frank provided of this was walking down to the swamp with his wife each Sunday.

  • In your ministry, spend the majority of your time doing stuff you love. Do this even should you be depressed. It'll look different then - it might just be washing the dishes.


Mikey Lynch said...

Ah the swamp. A missionary favourite, that is.

As they say "If things get tough, you're due for swamp time."

fional said...

I've got to say I'm looking forward to it.