Monday, August 3, 2009


Tearfund UK asked people involved in community development work in Africa, Latin America and Asia how globalisation had affected their culture and customs, their churches, as well as some general impressions.1 The thing that struck me most about the results was that now these people are having to deal with the same things as Westerners deal with. Globalisation brings many blessings but it's sad that it also brings challenges of greed and materialism and individualism. It's also sad that we haven't really worked out how to live with these challenges. We're hand-in-hand on this one.

1Wilson, F, "Globalisation from a grassroots, Two-Thirds World perspective: a snapshot" in Tiplady R, One world or many: The impact of globalisation on mission (Pasasena, CA: William Carey Library, 2003), 167-188.