Monday, March 7, 2011

El español

I've been doing one hour of Spanish five days a week and two on Monday. Because I can already understand a reasonable amount of French, learning Spanish is coming fairly easily. So there is that. All the same, my method rocks!

I've been:
  • listening and singing along to Christian kids' karaoke;
  • looking up the words I don't know on an online translator;
  • covering up the words and writing out what I hear sung, then checking to see if I got all the words and if I spelled them right;
  • reading a Spanish grammar book which addresses all the differences and errors that English speakers will naturally make;
  • reading all the examples outloud;
  • writing increasingly complicated sentences in another book;
  • watching one Spanish language film a week (this week it was El Secreto De Sus Ojos);
  • reading the BBC News headlines in Spanish;
  • having a crack at some activities on the BBC Spanish site;
  • and, best of all, not even attempting to learn how to conjugate verbs or to learn all the verb + adverb combos that are so different to English, but instead exposing myself to lots of spoken language so I'll get to know what 'sounds right'.
Anyone who knows how traumatic (and fruitless) learning Ancient Greek and Hebrew was for me will appreciate the difference. Not that I'm an expert yet - I'm at Primary School level in terms of reading comprehension and more like a two year old for everything else.


Bron said...

two year olds are pretty cute talkers :)

fional said...

Yes, that's just what I'm worried about. I've done cute and it was quite some years ago. ;)