Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I heart AGMs

Crossroads has been around for a bit over ten years and it really does feel like we're starting to grow up. We had our twice-yearly Church Summit on Monday night and it was so encouraging. For the first time we have more than enough money coming in and we can pay our pastors properly; we're sending out a missionary; another apprentice is starting up; we're employing a Childrens' Ministry Coordinator part-time; we've got big, humble plans for the future and we still cherish the Gospel. It's a joy to be part of my church right now, but I'm also very thankful for all the innovative and persevering work that has gone on in the past. We didn't get here by staying where we were comfortable or by being cautious or passive. We've always experimented with creative events and new structures and we've always trained up apprentices and sent people off to Bible college even when we couldn't quite afford it. There have been many mistakes and much hurt and heartache, but I thank God for keeping us teachable and for graciously keeping and leading us.