Friday, April 22, 2011

It's not better and it's not real

We're foolish people. Sometimes we think we have a better idea than God of what is good for us and we yearn for this imaginary life. We need to remember:

There's no better life that you're missing out on . . . you're not actually losing out on anything. It's good to live for God, to live for eternity – it's actually the good life . . . . There's no other life that's a better life than living for the Kingdom of God. There's nothing actually to envy out there somewhere. Living for the Kingdom of God is reality. It's the good life. It's the way things actually are. Is a purposeless life of selfish indulgence and endless holidays actually, really going to make you happy? ...the hollowness, the aimlessness ...really? Is the life of the ungodly really a happy life, a perfect life? . . . . Living for God is always the good life. Beware of confusing sacrifice for the Gospel with actually losing out on stuff that really isn't actually good. Beware of the logic 'If I weren't a Christian I'd have so much more fun'.”
(Mikey Lynch, Ministry Challenge conference 2010)