Monday, August 8, 2011

Not fair

Kids say "It's not fair!" when what they mean is "I don't like it!". So why the appeal to justice? I wonder if, in being forced to do an unpleasant thing, they presume that the adult is choosing to be mean and tightfisted when they might be magnanimous and kind. The sort of ugly assumption made by Eve.

Or, perhaps it's a protest against the very existence of unpleasant things, a no to the very possibility of packing up toys and not being allowed to start painting before dinner.


Alistair Bain said...

Well sometimes it isn't fair.

But why would they care?

Someone should give a talk at the Uni about that ;)

fional said...

True. Guess I was thinking more of the times when it was. But you're right - Someone Should.