Monday, August 15, 2011

Raising kids

I was speaking to some women the other day who were heavily involved in raising their younger siblings. Now they're in their thirties, in happy relationships but with no desire to ever have kids of their own. I found that really sad. A good reminder to not ask kids to be adults before their time.


Nikki Lynch said...

Thats a bit sad! I hope there can be healing for your friends, sounds like they had a bad experience.

I think looking after siblings can be blessing though.....I looked after my little brother (9 years younger) alot from birth up until he became a teenager: settling, feeding, changing nappies, playing turned to taking to movies and looking after him for whole weekends turned to picking him up from the police station and philosophical arguments. I now get to enjoy him as an almost adult....though I think i have to take him for some driving lessons soon!

Looking after him, though a drain and too much responsibility at times, made me confident and capable with children. I loved him (and still do) to bits and he made me feel clucky at a young age.

It may have been wrong of my parents for overburdening me....but its ended up blessing me and my family greatly (and hopefully others)

fional said...

Oh that's very good to hear. I was hoping that wasn't everyones' experience. Yeah, I think these women just found it a lot of hard work, although I'm sure they love their little brothers/sisters.