Monday, June 18, 2012

The first will be last

A Chilean friend confessed to me that while she can understand English, she doesn't try to speak it because she feels like English speakers have no sympathy for beginners. It's quite the opposite here - people view your attempts, however hopeless, as a sign of love and respect and will listen with great patience. I'm sure I've said any number of funny things over the last three months, but I've only ever been laughed at once and that was completely fair enough (when asked what sport I like, I said "nacer" instead of "nadar" - "being born" instead of "swimming"). I think there's something about speaking the world's highest-status language that convinces us we're superior. I feel this too - when the people who have been so gracious with me mispronounce English words, I find myself sniggering a little, as if it's funny - and silly - that they didn't know any better. I don't mean to think this way, but I do, and, if English is your first language, then I bet you do too.