Thursday, September 7, 2006

The First Post: Ideas not Teaching, Copying not Hubris

Each day I find myself thinking about how Christianity affects life. I often write to get my thinking straight. I trust that God is increasingly making my thinking and insight more like his Son's, and so I trust that publishing my reflections will be helpful to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. If you're not a Christian you're also welcome to read this blog and 'listen in' on how Christians think.

Having said that, these reflections are ideas, not teaching. Some will be God-given, others will be faulty or misinformed or sinful. (The title was chosen not out of confidence, but rather to copy my first blog -
Another Good Sentence.) So don't take anything 'as gospel'. And please learn and grow with me by discussing my reflections.



mike said...

These are greath thoughts and ideas. It seems though the even the most hardened cynic can be won over to blogging :P

fional said...

Yes, seeing how as I love writing, it was a happy day when I realised I could blog with purpose . . . Thanks Mike.