Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Aesthetics and worship

I'm perpetually (perennially?) interested in the relationship between beauty/aesthetic and truth. I'm seriously considered doing next year's Project on the topic. This article is very interesting and thought-provoking. I'm not convinced by some of his theology however. I'd like to be convinced but I think he's reached his points far too quickly and assumed too much along the way. Still, it all sounds so good.


Mikey Lynch said...

Would be awesome if you did the project on this topic!

I agree with your assessment of the article. 'God' in Gen 1 = primarily beautiful? Hmm...

Laura said...

What's the article? Linky is broken. Or maybe just non-functioning here?

The school where I teach has T-shirts with our logo on the back and "Truth+Beauty=Goodness" on the front.

Matt Whitling has done some good stuff on the relationship between truth and beauty.

fional said...

Thanks for your comments guys.

@ Mikey. Incidentally, can I just say I don't really like the @ thing? It makes me think of people as places or buildings or something. Anyhoo. We'll see about the project. I'm equally keen to do it on the link between physicality and spirituality, but maybe I can morph them all.

@ Laura. Truth+Beauty=Goodness you say. Interesting.

Thanks for the Whitling tip.

Gosh how strange - the internet is working in Australia but not in America?? Is this some sort of protest against American imperialism??? How can this be?????? If it helps, the address is http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&pid=gmail&attid=0.1&thid=120ebb830d755c6c&mt=application%2Fpdf&pli=1