Thursday, November 26, 2009

Master of Divinity! project take two

I've changed my topic. When I wrote about this before, I said that God had made me a dancer and a thinker but that "I'm not satisfied to just let myself be, but am always wondering about how these things should play out". Thinking about it a bit more, I've realised this just isn't true. It used to be true, but, praise God!, I'm now pretty comfortable with myself. So the thing that puzzles and amazes me is rather that God made this world physical in the first place - and, even more so, that heaven will be a physical place full of physical people. I want to grasp God's plan for creation a little better. So my new topic's more along the lines of:
The physicality of the new heavens and earth.

It's not creation per se that I'm interested in, but peoples' life in the new heavens and earth. Some particularly relevant passages are Isaiah 65, 1 Corinthians 15 and Revelation 21-22.

I'd really appreciate any suggestions about how to narrow it down.


Alistair Bain said...

Fiona. You will need to narrow it down as much as you can.

Stick to 1 writer. Or play 2 writers with different views off against each other and call it a "dialogue" or "conversation" (that is so cool right now in Academia).

An example of the question you are answering could be: "What does NT Wright contribute to our understanding of the physicality of the New heavens and the New Earth in his book Surprised by Hope?"

Or "What can we learn about the physicality of the New heavens and the New Earth from NT Wright in his book Surprised by Hope and John Calvin in The Institutes of Christian Religion?"

fional said...

Thanks Al. Do you think NT Wright would be a good author to go with on this topic? Is the book you quote a relevant one, or were you just giving an example?