Monday, March 1, 2010

A cat in a china shop

Before I became a Christian, I dabbled in Buddhism - for long enough to get the basic gist - and to see that the basic gist is not where it's at. I mean Buddhism isn't even a thing for words. If you've managed to describe it in words and concepts, you haven't really described it at all. So I get very frustrated whenever I hear Christian people making brazen statements about Buddhism.

But last week I had the pleasure of hearing from a gentleman who's been working with Thai Buddhists for many years. He got across something of the complexity and subtlety of Buddhism, and he conducted himself with calmness, humility and courtesy. Here are his tips for sharing Jesus with Buddhist people:
  1. Never argue - it will make the other person lose face. Never compare religions. Avoid 'friendly' mockery.
  2. Accept them as a person and show them honour.
  3. Tell them about your life - without being patronising. Tell them about the Creator God as well as stories about Jesus. Don't do this in a linear way - talk in circles. Explain that Jesus washed away bad karma.
  4. Feel free to be up-front on a personal level - it's fine to ask if you can pray for them.
  5. Leave the results up to God.