Friday, January 24, 2014

Be responsible for your people; don't be responsible for your people / 6

How can we glorify God?
We glorify God by enjoying him, loving him, trusting him, and by obeying his will, commandsand law. (Deuteronomy 11:1) (from here)

God, we are quick to proclaim and celebrate, follow and sacrifice ourselves for many things - for bands, technology, careers, children. Our actions say these things are everything, and sometimes we fail to see that they are not. Other times we at last obtain a thing long strived-for - and still we are not satisfied.

How foolish we are not to do this with you. Your perfections so complete, beautiful and majestic that it is fitting to glorify you - there's nothing even slightly unhinged in it. Perhaps we struggle to glorify you as we should because it's hard for you to comprehend your perfections-

May that struggle be cause for more glory and more trust as we see that you are even better and more powerful than we can know. May this knowledge make us quick to trust you, and trusting, to obey. May this glad, eager obedience speak well of you. May our lives bring you glory. If I do nothing else, may I help my women with this - to know you better, and knowing you, cherish and love you more, and loving you, obey you happily and speak of you warmly and with great joy and pride.

Lift the veils from our eyes, soften our brutal hearts, and strengthen our feeble knees that we might see and glorify you.