Friday, January 24, 2014

Be responsible for your people; don't be responsible for your people / 5

What else did God create?
God created all things by his powerful Word, and all his creation was very good; everything flourished under his loving rule. (Genesis 1:31) (from here)

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, out of nothing you made all that is. You made it very good. And the pinnacle of all your creation was man. You wished to delight and bless us with all else and grant us the nobility of ruling all under you. Father, the minuteness and vastness and intricacy of what you have made and how all hangs together so finely is too much for me. It is so awesome it burdens my mind. I cannot fathom it and, if I make the attempt, it turns my stomach. So I prefer not to think on it. Yet the knowledge that such splendour, such genius complexity exists goes with me and I am in awe.

How is it that people accuse, mock and dimiss you as if you were like us, as if you were a man, only bigger, and foolish or mean? You are ALMIGHTY GOD, Creator of all that is, of the very sunsets that make us feel spiritual, of all we neither know nor understand.

This world continues each passing day because you sustain it. We breathe and live because you give us what we need and you keep our bodies working. Again, this is too much for me and it frightens me when I should be glad. Forgive me Lord, that before such constant, enduring, lavish examples of your kindness, I doubt that you are good. I ought be humble, but I need not fear. Help me trust that you work all out for my good, that you who are attentive and tender towards sparrows care for me, that the worst that can happen - that I might die and be with you - truely is a better good. Let me not be able to keep from sharing this glad assurance with my people. Let me entrust their lives to you.