Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Money and Stuff: Postscript

I have spoken previously about my struggles with money and about the things I was trying to learn (money isn't everything; be content with enough; be generous with your surplus; don't be greedy). Well I thought it was about time to report back. Praise God this is not a big problem for me anymore! He has taught me well and, no doubt, people have been praying for me (thank you).

The most helpful thing has been to remind myself to be content with enough. It's hard to argue against! I still have times when I desire gorgeous fashion or quality homewares, but I guess I can also see through that all now. I mean I know that having that stuff does not make you happy. If I have enough and I have eternal blessings, then I am in a better position than they. Not that I'm better than or superior to them - just that I am very fortunate. And it's not like you can't express yourself aesthetically or dress creatively when you don't have loads of money - you still can, just not as much, but that's okay 'cos aesthetic isn't everything either. I've even become pretty content with not being able to buy CDs - I mean music's not my passion in life anyway, and you know, I have quite a few CDs already, and there's always the radio. Keeping up with the latest music isn't my birthright. It's a Western privilege and it's okay that it's one I don't currently have access to.

As well as being content with what we presently have, I also said that we had no need to worry about the future because God has promised to give us enough. That has been my experience time and time again. In my case, he uses ordinary means - people's generosity, the government's stimulus package, things on sale.

And now it looks like he's given me a great job! For this year and last I've been trying off and on to find a better paying job, because I think I should support myself while I'm studying - just like everyone else does. No one's been very keen to employ someone in a (semi) professional position for only one day a week . . . until now! I think I might have found a wonderful job teaching English and writing to primary and high school students in a private tutoring company. The boss seems very kind and I like his philosophy and method. And it pays $30/hour instead of $18/hour at my (wonderful) kitchen job. I'll find out next week if he needs me, but it's looking good at the moment. I'm so enormously relieved and thankful.


ambersun said...

Hope you get the job. It sounds great.

God Bless


Bron said...

That's wonderful Fiona (both bits of your post). Glad to hear that God's been helping you in so many ways.