Monday, September 28, 2009

Another kind of sister

On Friday I was privileged to be given the opportunity to see inside the beautiful Auburn Gallipoli mosque. Afterwards, I was equally privileged to be assigned the task of wandering around Auburn and chatting to Muslim women. Not about anything serious, just connecting with them. We Westerners are so hopeless at this. We're afraid of people from other cultures; afraid of disturbing their private space. To people from cultures all about relationships and community, we come across as cold and uncaring.

So on Friday I smiled at women and passed comments about the weather. And they smiled shyly back and made comments of their own. One lady told me that if I was going to buy a top, I should buy a small or medium because that brand stretches. Normally I'm shy and scared of people around. Now I see that it is possible for me to chat to people in my own community.

H/T Richard


Mikey Lynch said...

We come across as cold and uncaring. Challenging rebuke. Thanks Fi.