Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Good to see ya

I love my church but, usually, I find it tricky to relate to people of a Sunday afternoon. As I look out on the crowd of people, I become a little overwhelmed, befuddled and panicked. My confidence and social adroitness almost palpably drop away. I remind myself that it can be about quality - I can talk with just one person all evening if I want. This helps me to relax, but I remain rattled by the sense of all the people around me.

All this until the last couple of Sundays when maybe, just maybe I hit upon a solution. The Sunday before last was the first time back in the adults' service for a couple of months. I was pumped to be sitting there with my people, listening to the sermon and worshipping God. After the service I found myself wandering around, gladly talking to people. I think that could be the key: simply be happy to see everyone and the rest will take care of itself. When I'm happy to see people, I invest in them, easily. I chat warmly to newcomers, and keep an eye out for lonely people, but not in an intense way. I forget the pressure-fuelled relating that a crowd usually inspires. I stop talking to people out of duty. I forget my social skills, which means they're actually there. And it's not as though being happy to see people is something I have to force - I love those guys!