Friday, October 21, 2011

Why I care about Christianity

Apologies for the hiatus. I was up north for a week trotting around churches letting them know about my missionary plans. They made me feel very welcome and adopted into the Northern Tasmanian community. Then as I was almost back home, I was part of a nasty four-car accident so have had the last few days off to recover. I'm grateful to be alive and believe that God was actively protecting me that night (and the other people involved in the accident). I'll see how I go with the blogging - it might continue to be a bit thin over the next couple of weeks as I got whiplash and am supposed to be minimising my time on the computer.

For today I wanted to share with you something a friend told me. She was showing me respect by being honest with me, letting me know that she just doesn't care about Christianity. So I asked if she would like to know why it is I do, and she said she would. It's taken a while to express it truely, but this is from my heart...

I care about Christianity because God gave his Son to die for me though he didn't have to.

I care about Christianity because in doing so, he has given me everything that matters - no condemnation, acceptance, peace, adoption as his child, the confidence to approach him as my Dad, help in my life - comfort and strength and stepping in to change circumstances - trust that he is watching over me and working out all things for my good and that even if I die it's okay, certain hope for the future, no fear of death, knowing the right way to live, always being free to live that way, being changed from the inside so I become a better person.

I care about Christianity because Jesus is the most important and wonderful person in my life.

Please pray that I'll be able to convey this to her.